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varicose veins



Varicose veins are twisty bulging veins on the legs caused by an increase in the normal venous pressure. They tend to get larger and uglier with time and are normally uncomfortable typically causing tired legs, itching, throbbing, restlessness and aching. They can bleed especially in the elderly after relatively minor trauma.

The increased pressure often causes skin damage and in many patients actual ulceration of the skin occurs which takes months to heal without appropriate treatment.​


 Other symptoms include: 

  1. Swollen feet and ankles

  2. Burning or throbbing in your legs

  3. Muscle cramp in your legs, particularly at night

  4. Dry, itchy and thin skin over the affected vein


To read more about home care for varicose veins, follow the link

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EVLT / Laser varicose veins treatment: Pre and post treatment instructions 

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Venaseal vs Laser varicose veins : coming soon

coming soon
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